43) Extra: Sparse Linear Algebra#

  1. Sparse direct solvers
    1.1 Matrix orderings
    1.2 Impact on formulation
    1.3 Cost scaling

  2. Iterative solvers

using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays

function my_spy(A)
    cmax = norm(vec(A), Inf)
    s = max(1, ceil(120 / size(A, 1)))
    spy(A, marker=(:square, s), c=:diverging_rainbow_bgymr_45_85_c67_n256, clims=(-cmax, cmax))

function laplacian_matrix(n)
    h = 2 / n
    rows = Vector{Int64}()
    cols = Vector{Int64}()
    vals = Vector{Float64}()
    wrap(i) = (i + n - 1) % n + 1
    idx(i, j) = (wrap(i)-1)*n + wrap(j)
    stencil_diffuse = [-1, -1, 4, -1, -1] / h^2
    for i in 1:n
        for j in 1:n
            append!(rows, repeat([idx(i,j)], 5))
            append!(cols, [idx(i-1,j), idx(i,j-1), idx(i,j), idx(i+1,j), idx(i,j+1)])
            append!(vals, stencil_diffuse)
    sparse(rows, cols, vals)
laplacian_matrix (generic function with 1 method)

1. Sparse Direct Solvers#

Example: Advection-diffusion operator in 2D#

  • Eliminate Dirichlet boundary conditions around all sides

function advdiff_matrix(n; kappa=1, wind=[0, 0])
    h = 2 / (n + 1)
    rows = Vector{Int64}()
    cols = Vector{Int64}()
    vals = Vector{Float64}()
    idx((i, j),) = (i-1)*n + j
    in_domain((i, j),) = 1 <= i <= n && 1 <= j <= n
    stencil_advect = [-wind[1], -wind[2], 0, wind[1], wind[2]] / h
    stencil_diffuse = [-1, -1, 4, -1, -1] * kappa / h^2
    stencil = stencil_advect + stencil_diffuse
    for i in 1:n
        for j in 1:n
            neighbors = [(i-1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j), (i+1, j), (i, j+1)]
            mask = in_domain.(neighbors)
            append!(rows, idx.(repeat([(i,j)], 5))[mask])
            append!(cols, idx.(neighbors)[mask])
            append!(vals, stencil[mask])
    sparse(rows, cols, vals)
advdiff_matrix (generic function with 1 method)
A = advdiff_matrix(5, wind=[0, 0])
@show norm(A - A')
norm(A - A') = 0.0

Gaussian elimination and Cholesky#

Performing Gaussian Elimination, we obtain the following decomposition:

\[ A = LU\]

Given a \(2\times 2\) block matrix, the algorithm proceeds as \begin{split}

(23)#\[\begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} L_A & \\ C U_A^{-1} & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
(24)#\[\begin{bmatrix} U_A & L_A^{-1} B \\ & S \end{bmatrix}\]

\end{split} where \(L_A U_A = A\) and

\[S = D - C \underbrace{U_A^{-1} L_A^{-1}}_{A^{-1}} B .\]


With Cholesky factorization, we obtain the following decomposition:

\[A = L L^T \]

Which means, that for a \(2\times 2\) block matrix, we have:


(25)#\[\begin{bmatrix} A & B^T \\ B & D \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} L_A & \\ B L_A^{-T} & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
(26)#\[\begin{bmatrix} L_A^T & L_A^{-1} B^T \\ & S \end{bmatrix}\]

\end{split} where \(L_A L_A^T = A\) and

\[ S = D - B \underbrace{L_A^{-T} L_A^{-1}}_{A^{-1}} B^T .\]

A = advdiff_matrix(10)
N = size(A, 1)
ch = cholesky(A, perm=1:N)

Cost of a banded solve#

Consider an \(N\times N\) matrix with bandwidth \(b\), \(1 \le b \le N\).

  • Work one row at a time

  • Each row/column of panel has \(b\) nonzeros

  • Schur complement update affects \(b\times b\) sub-matrix

  • Total compute cost \(N b^2\)

  • Storage cost \(N b\)


  • What bandwidth \(b\) is needed for an \(N = n\times n \times n\) cube in 3 dimensions?

  • What is the memory cost?

  • What is the compute cost?


1.1 Matrix orderings#

n = 20
A = advdiff_matrix(n)
heatmap(reshape(1:n^2, n, n))
using Pkg

import Metis
perm, iperm = Metis.permutation(A)
heatmap(reshape(iperm, n, n))
   Resolving package versions...
  No Changes to `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`
  No Changes to `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Manifest.toml`
cholesky(A, perm=1:n^2)
SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Factor{Float64, Int64}
type:    LLt
method:  simplicial
maxnnz:  8019
nnz:     8019
success: true
cholesky(A, perm=Vector{Int64}(perm))
SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Factor{Float64, Int64}
type:    LLt
method:  simplicial
maxnnz:  4031
nnz:     4031
success: true

1.2 Impact on formulation#

Cholesky factors in nested dissection#

n = 10
A = advdiff_matrix(n)
perm, iperm = Metis.permutation(A)
my_spy(A[perm, perm])
ch = cholesky(A, perm=Vector{Int64}(perm))
  • The dense blocks in factor \(L\) are “supernodes”

  • They correspond to “vertex separators” in the ordering

1.3 Cost scaling#

Cost in nested dissection#

  • Cost is dominated by dense factorization of the largest supernode

  • Its size comes from the vertex separator size

Example: 2D square#

  • \(N = n^2\) dofs

  • Vertex separator of size \(n\)

  • Compute cost \(v^3 = N^{3/2}\)

  • Storage cost \(N \log N\)

Example: 3D Cube#

  • \(N = n^3\) dofs

  • Vertex separator of size \(v = n^2\)

  • Compute cost \(v^3 = n^6 = N^2\)

  • Storage cost \(v^2 = n^4 = N^{4/3}\)


  1. How much does the cost change if we switch from Dirichlet to periodic boundary conditions in 2D?

  2. How much does the cost change if we move from 5-point stencil (\(O(h^2)\) accuracy) to 9-point “star” stencil (\(O(h^4)\) accuracy)?

  3. Would you rather solve a 3D problem on a \(10\times 10\times 10000\) grid or \(100\times 100 \times 100\)?

Let’s test our intuition

n = 80
A_dirichlet = advdiff_matrix(n)
perm, iperm = Metis.permutation(A_dirichlet)
cholesky(A_dirichlet, perm=Vector{Int64}(perm))
SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Factor{Float64, Int64}
type:    LLt
method:  supernodal
maxnnz:  0
nnz:     136289
success: true
A_periodic = laplacian_matrix(n) + 1e-10*I
perm, iperm = Metis.permutation(A_periodic)
cholesky(A_periodic, perm=Vector{Int64}(perm))
# cholesky(A_periodic) # try this
SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Factor{Float64, Int64}
type:    LLt
method:  supernodal
maxnnz:  0
nnz:     180479
success: true

How expensive and how fast?#

Suppose we have a second order accurate method in 3D.

n = 2. .^ (2:13)
N = n.^3
error = (50 ./ n) .^ 2
seconds = 1e-10 * N.^2
hours = seconds / 3600
cloud_dollars = 3 * hours
kW_hours = 0.2 * hours
barrel_of_oil = kW_hours / 1700
kg_CO2 = kW_hours * 0.709
cost = hours
plot(cost, error, xlabel="cost", ylabel="error", xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label = "error")

Remember: There is always an environmental cost#

Outlook on sparse direct solvers#

  • Sparse direct works well for 2D and almost-2D problems to medium large sizes

    • High order FD methods make sparse direct cry

    • High order finite element are okay, but not high-continuity splines

    • Almost-2D includes a lot of industrial solid mechanics applications

      • The body of a car, the frame of an airplane

  • Sparse direct is rarely usable in “fully 3D” problems

    • “thick” structures

      • soil mechanics, hydrology, building foundations, bones, tires

    • fluid mechanics

      • aerodynamics, heating/cooling systems, atmosphere/ocean

  • Setup cost (factorization) is much more expensive than solve

    • Amortize cost in time-dependent problems

      • Rosenbrock methods: factorization reused across stages

      • “lag” Jacobian in Newton (results in “modified Newton”)

      • “lag” preconditioner with matrix-free iterative methods (Sundials, PETSc)

    • Factorization pays off if you have many right hand sides

2. Iterative solvers#

  • Less reliable, more leaky abstraction

  • More sensitive to problem formulation

  • Slower for small problems

  • Several different strategies, each with tuning knobs

  • Accuracy tolerances needed

\(O(N)\) solvers exist for many important problems#

  • High-order discretization can be okay

  • Need multi-level representations (hierarchy of approximations)

    • This can be interpreted very generally