13) Stability#
Last time#
Newton’s method
Convergence of fixed-point method
Different formulation of Newton’s method
Forward and backward stability
Recap and Q/A
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1. Stability#
Reading on forward vs backward error and stability
(Forward) Stability#
“nearly the right answer to nearly the right question”
Backward Stability#
“exactly the right answer to nearly the right question”
Every backward stable algorithm is (\(\implies\)) stable.
Not every stable algorithm is backward stable.
The difference is in the focus: forward analysis is concerned with what the method reaches, while backward analysis looks at the problem being solved (which is why we can speak of ill-conditioned methods and ill-conditioned problems).
In a backward stable algorithm the errors introduced during the algorithm have the same effect as a small perturbation in the data.
If the backward error is the same size as any uncertainty in the data then the algorithm produces as good a result as we can expect.
Reading: What is Numerical Stability?#
Accuracy of backward stable algorithms (Theorem)#
A backward stable algorithm for computing \(f(x)\) has relative accuracy
In practice, it is rarely possible for a function to be backward stable when the output space is higher dimensional than the input space.