11) Convergence classes#

Last time#

  • Forward and backward error

  • Computing volume of a polygon

  • Rootfinding examples

  • Use Roots.jl to solve

  • Introduce Bisection


  1. Limitations of bisection

  2. Convergence classes

  3. Intro to Newton methods

using Plots

Recap From last time:#

Stability demo: Volume of a polygon

X = ([1 0; 2 1; 1 3; 0 1; -1 1.5; -2 -1; .5 -2; 1 0])
R(θ) = [cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]
Y = X * R(deg2rad(10))' .+ [1e4 1e4] # rotate it and translate it far away
plot(Y[:,1], Y[:,2], seriestype=:shape, aspect_ratio=:equal)
using LinearAlgebra
function pvolume(X)
    n = size(X, 1)
    vol = sum(det(X[i:i+1, :]) / 2 for i in 1:n-1)

@show pvolume(Y)
[det(Y[i:i+1, :]) for i in 1:size(Y, 1)-1]
A = Y[2:3, :]
sum([A[1,1] * A[2,2], - A[1,2] * A[2,1]])
pvolume(Y) = 9.249999989226126
  • Why don’t we even get the second digit correct? These numbers are only \(10^8\) and \(\epsilon_{\text{machine}} \approx 10^{-16}\) so shouldn’t we get about 8 digits correct?


Given \(f(x)\), find \(x\) such that \(f(x) = 0\).

We’ll work with scalars (\(f\) and \(x\) are just numbers) for now, and revisit later when they vector-valued.

Solve for \(x\)

  • \(f(x; b) = x^2 - b\)

    • \(x(b) = \sqrt{b}\)

  • \(f(x; b) = \tan x - b\)

    • \(x(b) = \arctan b\)

  • \(f(x) = \cos x + x - b\)

    • \(x(b) = ?\)

We aren’t given \(f(x)\), but rather an algorithm f(x) that approximates it.

  • Sometimes we get extra information, like fp(x) that approximates \(f'(x)\)

  • If we have source code for f(x), maybe it can be transformed “automatically”

We saw:

Iterative bisection algorithm#

f(x) = cos(x) - x
hasroot(f, a, b) = f(a) * f(b) < 0
function bisect_iter(f, a, b, tol)
    hist = Float64[]
    while abs(b - a) > tol
        mid = (a + b) / 2
        push!(hist, mid)
        if hasroot(f, a, mid)
            b = mid
            a = mid
bisect_iter (generic function with 1 method)
length(bisect_iter(f, -1, 3, 1e-20))

Let’s plot the error#

\[ \lvert \texttt{bisect}^k(f, a, b) - r \rvert, \quad k = 1, 2, \dotsc \]

where \(r\) is the true root, \(f(r) = 0\).

hist = bisect_iter(f, -1, 3, 1e-10)
r = hist[end] # What are we trusting?
hist = hist[1:end-1]
scatter( abs.(hist .- r), yscale=:log10)
ks = 1:length(hist)
plot!(ks, 4 * (.5 .^ ks))

We saw that the error \(e_k = x_k - x_*\) after \(k\) bisections satisfies the bound

\[ |e^k| \le c 2^{-k} . \]

2. Convergence classes#


Check this Reading

  • A convergent rootfinding algorithm produces a sequence of approximations \(x_k\) such that

    \[\lim_{k \to \infty} x_k \to x_*\]
    where \(f(x_*) = 0\). For analysis, it is convenient to define the errors \(e_k = x_k - x_*\). We say that an iterative algorithm is \(q\)-linearly convergent if
    \[\lim_{k \to \infty} |e_{k+1}| / |e_k| = \rho < 1.\]
    (The \(q\) is for “quotient”.) A smaller convergence factor \(\rho\) represents faster convergence.

  • A slightly weaker condition (\(r\)-linear convergence or just linear convergence - the “r” here is for “root”) is that

    \[ |e_k| \le \epsilon_k \]
    for all sufficiently large \(k\) when the sequence \(\{\epsilon_k\}\) converges \(q\)-linearly to 0.


  • Why is \(r\)-convergence considered a weaker form of convergence relative to \(q\)-convergence? Notice that root convergence is concerned only with the overall rate of decrease of the error while quotient convergence requires the error to decrease at each iteration of the algorithm. Thus \(q\)-convergence is a stronger form of convergence than \(r\)-convergence

  • \(q\)-convergence implies (\(\implies\)) \(r\)-convergence.

# an example of q-convergence
ρ = 0.8
errors = [1.]
for i in 1:30
    next_e = errors[end] * ρ
    push!(errors, next_e)
plot(errors, yscale=:log10, ylims=(1e-10, 1))
e = hist .- r
scatter(abs.(errors[2:end] ./ errors[1:end-1]), ylims=(0,1)) # clear q-convergence of errors, but what do you see with e?

Poll 11.1: Convergence class of the bisection method#

Is the Bisection Method:

  • A = q-linearly convergent

  • B = r-linearly convergent

  • C = neither

Remarks on bisection#

  • Specifying an interval is often inconvenient

  • An interval in which the function changes sign guarantees convergence (robustness)

  • No derivative information is required

  • If bisection works for \(f(x)\), then it works and gives the same accuracy for \(f(x) \sigma(x)\) where \(\sigma(x) > 0\).

  • Roots of even degree are problematic

  • A bound on the solution error is directly available

  • The convergence rate is modest - one iteration per bit of accuracy

Newton-Raphson Method#

Much of numerical analysis reduces to Taylor series, the approximation

\[ f(x) = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) (x-x_0) + f''(x_0) (x - x_0)^2 / 2 + \underbrace{\dotsb}_{O((x-x_0)^3)} \]
centered on some reference point \(x_0\).

In numerical computation, it is exceedingly rare to look beyond the first-order approximation

\[ \tilde f_{x_0}(x) = f(x_0) + f'(x_0)(x - x_0) . \]
Since \(\tilde f_{x_0}(x)\) is a linear function, we can explicitly compute the unique solution of \(\tilde f_{x_0}(x) = 0\) as
\[ x = x_0 - f(x_0) / f'(x_0) . \]
This is Newton’s Method (aka Newton-Raphson or Newton-Raphson-Simpson) for finding the roots of differentiable functions.

An implementation#

function newton(f, fp, x0; tol=1e-8, verbose=false)
    x = x0
    for k in 1:100 # max number of iterations
        fx = f(x)
        fpx = fp(x)
        if verbose
            println("[$k] x=$x  f(x)=$fx  f'(x)=$fpx")
        if abs(fx) < tol
            return x, fx, k
        x = x - fx / fpx

f(x) = cos(x) - x
fp(x) = -sin(x) - 1
newton(f, fp, 1; tol=1e-15, verbose=true)
[1] x=1  f(x)=-0.45969769413186023  f'(x)=-1.8414709848078965
[2] x=0.7503638678402439  f(x)=-0.018923073822117442  f'(x)=-1.6819049529414878
[3] x=0.7391128909113617  f(x)=-4.6455898990771516e-5  f'(x)=-1.6736325442243012
[4] x=0.739085133385284  f(x)=-2.847205804457076e-10  f'(x)=-1.6736120293089505
[5] x=0.7390851332151607  f(x)=0.0  f'(x)=-1.6736120291832148
(0.7390851332151607, 0.0, 5)